April 29, 2008

Tuesday 9:25am

I think every parent has those moments where you realize your kids are the actual age they are. Does this make sense? LOL!

Well, this was mine.

washing the window

He decided to wash the windows, usually this cracks me up because when he is done the windows are streaky and still half wet and just a plain mess. Not anymore. It was perfect, he went back over the spots that were still dirty, dried it completely. Heck, I don't know if I could have done better.

He even did the mirrors!!

washing the window

I swear I had tears in my eyes! YES, over window washing!!! He is growing up.

Sunday we went fishing and then had a picnic at a park in Frankenmuth. Last year we bought Jacob a real fishing pole and the one time we went fishing last year all he did was complain. This year he was so much fun!! Not one complaint that he didn't catch anything, he didn't get bored, he was so good and had a lot of fun!!

Owen had fun too but not until we were done fishing. The spot we went to was really nice but not a lot of space for Owen to run around. I wore him on my back in the Mei Tai until he wanted out then I spent the rest of the time chasing him down, lol.

Here he is at the park playing peek-a-boo in the swing.

playing peek-a-boo


photomum 5/01/2008 9:10 AM  

Impressive window washing skills! I can not believe how big our kids are...remember those pics of them together as babies. *sigh* :)

Christina K. 5/01/2008 3:41 PM  

i was just looking through those the other day!