May 1, 2008

GoodyBlog's Cute Kid Thursday is...


How cool is this??? I submitted this last week.

You can check out his bio here:

So I went to the Dr. yesterday about my pelvic bone, FINALLY!!!

I am going to start physical therapy 3 times a week. The woman they are setting me up with specializes in pelvic pain in woman. They also have a physical therapist in my Dr's office and I may need to see him also. My Dr. wants me to give it a month and go from there. She felt a misalignment when she did some of the tests on me which she said is probably the cause of the pain. I can also feel it grind together when I move a certain way. I am so happy something is getting done, I seriously just figured it was something I would have to live with.


Unknown 5/01/2008 6:30 PM  

He is the cutest kid!!! Congrats to Owen. He's a Star!!! Love, Aunt Jane

Anonymous 5/07/2008 3:30 AM  

Congrats Owen! You're such a cute kid like me :) Our family should be thankful for having an angel like us.

Hope you could visit too in my blog...

Zoe 5/24/2008 9:08 PM  

congrats! how cool is that! ouchy pelvic bone. i broke mine when i had peyton and it has never been right since :(